Why Learning Styles Matter… And Labels Risk Holding Us Back

Why Learning Styles Matter… And Labels Risk Holding Us Back

If there is one thing I really don’t agree with in the educational field, it’s the use of labels.

I think labels can be detrimental for growth, for learning and for being our very best.

Labels can hinder us from growing, improving, and even succeeding in life. And I’m not talking about how much money one makes when I think of success. I’m talking about personal growth, the strengthening of character and the removal of blaming others - or labels - as a way to get by.

Labels often allow us to not take responsibility. And that’s a shame. Plus, it’s simply sad.

7 Simple Tips for Healthy Learning (and Living!)

7 Simple Tips for Healthy Learning (and Living!)

If you suffer from brain fog, I get it. It’s not fun.

If your child does, well, yikes. Our kids should not be suffering like this.

And bottom line, if we take a bit of time, we can make this right.

As someone who has studied health and wellness (for fun and for necessity), became a certified health coach (just because) and written books with some top naturopathic doctors (well, why not!), you could say I have a bit of an arsenal of knowledge on the subject matter…

Billy's Story: Food, Mood & Learning

Billy's Story: Food, Mood & Learning

I once had a tutoring student, he was in sixth grade and man, sluggish didn’t begin to describe him. Let’s call him Billy.

Billy made it about 15 minutes into the one-on-one tutoring session, diving into his reading and writing skills, and to say it wasn’t going well would be an understatement.

He was all but underwater - mentally.
His response time was ridiculously slow.
His energy was non-existent.

His ability to think, reason and even function was, well, hindered would be a nice way to put it.
Billy was lagging and I was struggling to figure out why.