How To Easily Get Referrals In Seven Steps… the Cornerstone Method of Growth For Your Tutoring [or Any] Business

How To Easily Get Referrals In Seven Steps… the Cornerstone Method of Growth For Your Tutoring [or Any] Business

When was the last time someone sent a referral your way?

If you can’t tell me today, yesterday, or this week, then you are leaving money on the table and failing at a-low-cost opportunity to easily grow your business.

Nearly (yikes) two decades ago, I started the Center 4 Learning, a tutoring business, in the fabulous Florida Keys.

I, a fresh-faced English teacher, went house-to-house in my bright yellow VW Beetle, tutoring anything from math to writing, to test prep, to organizational skills.

My business started with one referral.

Finally, An APP That Gets Me: My Love Affair With Trello

Finally, An APP That Gets Me: My Love Affair With Trello

In chasing the latest and greatest, I was constantly learning something instead of implementing what I learned.

And that was a hard lesson to learn (for me).

It took me a while. And some aging. Like a fine wine, we get better as we age… as long as we’re cared for properly!

But in jumping from phone to phone and platform to platform and shiny new tool to… yep, you got it, I got lost in the mastering of any.

So, thankfully, I put an end to my crazy… well, at least that side of my crazy and said no more.

I’m also no longer into the shiny, new object and that’s why I’m sticking with the APP that just gets me...really really gets me.

7 Simple Tips for Healthy Learning (and Living!)

7 Simple Tips for Healthy Learning (and Living!)

If you suffer from brain fog, I get it. It’s not fun.

If your child does, well, yikes. Our kids should not be suffering like this.

And bottom line, if we take a bit of time, we can make this right.

As someone who has studied health and wellness (for fun and for necessity), became a certified health coach (just because) and written books with some top naturopathic doctors (well, why not!), you could say I have a bit of an arsenal of knowledge on the subject matter…

What To Say to a Parent Who Calls About Your Tutoring Services

What To Say to a Parent Who Calls About Your Tutoring Services

So, you’re building up a tutoring business.


You’ve gotten the courage to start sharing with people that this is what you do. And you’re excited.


Maybe you listened to my free 3-Part Audio Class on How To Start a Successful & Profitable Tutoring Business and put some of those tools to use.

Why I Say Please & Thank You...To Alexa & Siri

Why I Say Please & Thank You...To Alexa & Siri

So, we are in a new era. An era where artificial intelligence is just beginning to make a daily impact on our lives.

Our children have grown up knowing this was possible while my generation watched movies like Terminator and thought it possible but weeellllll…

It was still a bit sci-fi.

Fun, but not in the realm of true reality for most.

Let’s call it futuristic.

[52 Life Lessons] #8 My Mantra...What I tell myself

[52 Life Lessons] #8 My Mantra...What I tell myself

This is part of an email series called 52 Life Lessons that you can access anytime. One email. Each Monday. 52 Weeks. Simple. Powerful. Full of intention to help you grow, heal, enjoy life…and possible even transform a bit.

The best thing I can share with you, as we dive into our second month together, is my personal mantra.

A mantra I just started this year, at the time of writing these 52 Life Lessons and it all stemmed from an amazing book I read.

A book I’ll share below.

My new mantra is simple. It’s three words. It’s powerful. And it’s life-changing.

Productivity Hacks All Students Should Be Taught (Regardless of Age)

Productivity Hacks All Students Should Be Taught (Regardless of Age)

Today’s article is going to be short and sweet, yet full of actionable items you can take as you need to use yourself, with your child or in your classroom - or, in your tutoring session.

Love me some multi-purpose writing. It’s good for ALL MANKIND… echo echo echo.

Okay, now that I’ve stopped play-typing, I know Jessica is secretly laughing at the first line and specifically the word short, so she’s my motivation for NOT making this a novella but an easy post that’s digestible right now.

Diving in.

Fact: Kids aren’t taught productivity.