Why Learning Styles Matter… And Labels Risk Holding Us Back

Why Learning Styles Matter… And Labels Risk Holding Us Back

If there is one thing I really don’t agree with in the educational field, it’s the use of labels.

I think labels can be detrimental for growth, for learning and for being our very best.

Labels can hinder us from growing, improving, and even succeeding in life. And I’m not talking about how much money one makes when I think of success. I’m talking about personal growth, the strengthening of character and the removal of blaming others - or labels - as a way to get by.

Labels often allow us to not take responsibility. And that’s a shame. Plus, it’s simply sad.

7 Simple Tips for Healthy Learning (and Living!)

7 Simple Tips for Healthy Learning (and Living!)

If you suffer from brain fog, I get it. It’s not fun.

If your child does, well, yikes. Our kids should not be suffering like this.

And bottom line, if we take a bit of time, we can make this right.

As someone who has studied health and wellness (for fun and for necessity), became a certified health coach (just because) and written books with some top naturopathic doctors (well, why not!), you could say I have a bit of an arsenal of knowledge on the subject matter…

Why I Say Please & Thank You...To Alexa & Siri

Why I Say Please & Thank You...To Alexa & Siri

So, we are in a new era. An era where artificial intelligence is just beginning to make a daily impact on our lives.

Our children have grown up knowing this was possible while my generation watched movies like Terminator and thought it possible but weeellllll…

It was still a bit sci-fi.

Fun, but not in the realm of true reality for most.

Let’s call it futuristic.

[PART 3] Is Education Ready For A Make-Over Or In Desperate Need Of A Do-Over?

[PART 3] Is Education Ready For A Make-Over Or In Desperate Need Of A Do-Over?

So, why are the majority of students learning early on to hate school?

That’s where we ended Part 2 of this series and where we dive right back into now. If you missed the first part of this write up, you may want to head there now. It’s worth your time.

In 2001, when I began teaching in a public school in the Florida Keys, I heard daily from students how school was a big waste of time and I saw first hand that they were at least half right.

Could it be that school is antiquated?

[PART 2] Is Education Ready For A Make-Over Or In Desperate Need Of A Do-Over?

[PART 2] Is Education Ready For A Make-Over Or In Desperate Need Of A Do-Over?

In Part 1 of this three part series, we saw that teachers weren’t too thrilled with the current educational status quo, not just in the States. but also across the pond.

And when we closed the lid on Part 1, we did so with a sneak peak of the scores of our nation, the United States, in science, math, and reading. You can catch up on the series right here.

While this might come as a shocker to you, the USA isn’t in the top twenty when it comes to global ranking.

We rank in on the global scale at… well, see for yourself...

[PART 1] Is Education Ready For A Make-Over Or In Desperate Need Of A Do-Over?

[PART 1] Is Education Ready For A Make-Over Or In Desperate Need Of A Do-Over?

Lately (and for more than a decade now) there have been a host of examples of teachers utterly dissatisfied with the public school system.

Teacher of the Year, Kim Cook, who was given an unsatisfactory grade from her school principal for one, a teacher who gave his video resignation via YouTube and Ed Komperda who wrote a lengthy post on “School Today…What they don’t tell you.”

Back in 2012, when I first launched my online program teaching teachers, homeschool parents and retirees (well, anyone interested really) how to start a tutoring business and grow it to 5 and 6-figures (if they wanted to), I started noticing a trend.

[PART 1] What if Education is Back-Ass-Wards?

[PART 1] What if Education is Back-Ass-Wards?

Our educational system is setup to make you or your child fail and I’m here to say it’s outdated and back-ass-ward.

Now, that’s a bold statement, but if you’re a parent reading this and ever felt like you’re in a rat-race of life or spinning on that hamster wheel only to go… nowhere, you need to keep reading.

There’s a reason you can’t seem to “get ahead in life” and feel behind the eight ball, and it has to do with our educational system.

More on you and that in a moment.